Jul 08, 2022
Here is a compiled list of common troubleshooting steps on what to do if your monitor is not working correct and or if it is not displaying correctly
Physical Troubleshooting
- Check if the monitors displaying any lights or if it flashes anything on the screen.
- Check the Monitors cables from both its ends following back to your PC and to the monitor. Make sure they are not loose by unplugging and plugging them back in.
- Similar to above check the power cable and make sure it too is not loose by unplugging and plugging it back in.
- Play around with your monitors menu buttons if you feel comfortable doing so. If you are comfortable with this then check to see if you can change the input incase the input got changed accidently.
- If available, swap cables in case the one in use has gone bad.
DELL Monitor Lock Fix
If your Dell Monitor is locked and will not allow you to adjust the brightness on the monitor itself watch this video and see if this fix helps
Software Troubleshooting
- In your search bar search out Display Settings. From here see if you see the amount of screens you have being displayed. If one or more is showing black but one of them it can indicate that the cable from the monitor to the PC is bad and needs replaced
- If you do not see the all monitors you have in Display Settings then one thing to check is if you can scroll down close to the bottom of Display Settings and click into a dropdown, see if you have a option stating to Extend this Display. Clicking this can potentially fix this issue. This can also work if you have multiple screens and they are all mirroring one screen and not being individual screens.
If none of these steps work please create a ticket for IT and they will assist with the issue further
Last Revised July, 08, 2022